

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Making Cards using Coffee Filters

Hi everyone, here is a simple way to make a beautiful card using "Coffee Filters"  ... it is really easy ....

You will need, two sizes of coffee filters, scissors, pencil, double sided tape or glue, and cardstock of your choice. Plus your colored image and embellisments.
Trace around your filers, making sure you have traced the correct side .......
Glue cardstock on to the filters ... leaving the open side unglued ......

This is what your insert should look like .. make sure you add a tab  ....

Now decorate the large filer, this is the outside of your card .... you can add another tab if you wish ..

Insert the small filter inside the large one and your card is finished .......

This is a great idea for a gift card, it can be put inside the small filter with a note ....
Here is another one I made ... I hope you have fun trying this card, the possibilities are endless!!!!

 Don't forget if you try one of these cards enter it into the Twisted Thursday challenge at the Outlawz.

Thanks for checking out the tutorial .... hope to see you again...  Huggz Anne

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