

Friday, December 18, 2015

Exciting News

Hi everyone ... Outlawz challenges are looking for DT's for their new challenge .... it is Festive Fridays.  Yours truly will be Team Leader, if you are interested in joining the Team send me an email with your blog address and email address.   We are hoping to get it started early in January , and I know it will be a blast ... lookjng forward to hearing from you.

P.S.  check back later I will have another digi for you...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New Freebie for Christmas

Ladies here is a little bit of Christmas Cheer .....  more to follow each week from now until Christmas!!

Christmas Grape vine wreath

Friday, August 28, 2015

September's Special

Ladies when you spend  $99.00 Canadian you get these free ..... The prices listed on the sheet are US prices ...

The faces go great on our watches as well as our Living Lockets!!!
We tell stories with words ... well Origami Owl tells stories with JEWELRY!!
Check out my web :

Thursday, August 13, 2015


So versitile


All I can say is WOW!!!!   I love this item, you can change the face to anyone of the large Living Locket Faces, you can change the watch to any of the leather bracelets, you can add sliders and dangles, make it your own ..... every person can personalize their own watch!
Take a hop over to my web:

check out the watches and all the great jewelry, if you like it and would like to order you can do it right on my web site and it will be sent directly to you or you can contact me at :
to order or book a Jewelry Bar ... earn great free items and 1/2 price items and the change to get our Hostess only gift.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Ring dish

Coffee mugs

Wine glasses

Plastic glasses and water bottles

Just a little sample of the many things that you can put vinyl on, it is perm., washable and soooo much fun to make.  

Vinyl Art

Hi again, here are a few samples of my vinyl work, I love working with it.  I put in many hour just weeding out the small unwanted pieces but the end results are great.

These are glass trivet i make, the design is done in perm. vinyl and will not come off when washing, I do recommend that they be hand washed.

Cards I've made

Hi everyone; Just thought I would share some of my favorite cards, I hope you like them.

The above were made with my own digital images :

This one was drawn by my friend Jen, I loved working with this image.

This is a step card that I made using ADFD image.

These four cards I made using Mo Manning's images, it is so hard to pick any one digital artist that is your favorite, but I would have to say that Mo is one of my very favorites, her images are so sweet, you just to to love them.

Hope you enjoyed my cards and hopefully you got some inspiration from them.... happy card making.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Freebie

Here is a Freebie for you .... it was taken at our fish pond, the flower had floated on top of the lily pad, thought it would make a cute digi, so I snapped a photo.
Water Lily
Have fun using it ... you can find more in my digi shop.

Outlawz Progressive Freebie Challenge

Hi everyone here is the latest card that I made for the Outlawz Progressive Freebie challenge .....

Outlawz Progressive Challenge
 Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New listings in my Etsy shop

I have added some new images to my Etsy shop, I started these images last year and just never finished them ... well here is what I have added. 

Bloosom graduation


Huggz Planting

Peeking over my shoulder


New Freebie

Hi everyone, it is freebie time again.  I just can't believe the weather, it is so beautiful out.  So it makes me think of spring!  So here is a spring image for you to play with .

Birdhouse and wild roses.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

New Freebie

Happy Sunday everyone, I hope your weekend is a great one.  I have been doing some more drawing and finishing up images I started last year, I'm afraid I have not been putting much effort into my images as I thought I would close my Etsy shop, but now that the VAT is straightened out I will remain open and get back to business.  The freebie today is one I started last year, I had decided that my Huggz the Bear images needed a lady friend, so I created Bloosom, this is the first image of her, but I have several more started.  I hope you enjoy her.  Please leave me a link if you use her in a challenge or create a card to put on your blog.   



Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Thursday ... It's Freebie Time Again

I just can't believe that Spring is around the corner.  I have plants growing in the greenhouse, and flowers popping through the ground.  So to get you all in the mood for spring I have a new image for you ... These will be what you are dragging out soon.
I mention a week or so ago, I was closing my ETSY shop because of the EU VAT, well it appears that ETSY has straightened everything out for us, so my shop is reopened, I am still in the process of getting it updated, but it is open.  Next week I am having a reopening sale so watch for the code.
OK here is your image, have fun.....
Garden tools

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Saturday .... New Freebie

Happy Saturday everyone, hope you have a fantastic weekend.  here is another spring Freebie , hope you enjoy it.  Be sure and let me see any you do with it ....

Happy Valentine's Day!

wicker basket with flowers

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Happy Thursday .... New Freebie

Goods morning everyone;
Hope your day is a great one.  Here is another freebie, spring is coming ..I Hope!  So here is a springy image for you to play with.  Remember to let me know where you post your cards, I would love to see them. 

Have a fun day!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happy Tuesday

Hello Everyone,  Hope your Tuesday is a great one.

Just a quick update ...  as you probably know I have closed my Etsy shop, at least for now.  I have decided that I will offer my digis on my blog.  I am in the process of getting everything updated and ready, I hope that with in a week or so I will have it up and running.  I have lowered my prices  to $2.00 and $1.00, there are a few that are still $3.00, they are the ones I have spent hours adding lots of detail and shading. 
My intention is to sell them on my blog and use the money for our local Food Bank, as some of you know I raise money and make items for the children at Christmas.  So, in other words the money that I raise will go to the Food Bank for Children at Christmas. 
I will still give you lots of Freebies, but it is my hope you will help me raise money for the Children. 
Unfortunately you will  have to pay through Paypal and let me know which images you want and I will have to email you the images you have purchased.
If you have any questions or ideas give me a shout.
I will keep you updated as things progress.
God Bless
Huggz Anne

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy Sunday everyone

I thought I would show you some of the other items I make ... I love using my cameo and working with vinyl.

LED Candles

Jewelry bowl

Coffee Mugs

20 oz Wine Glass

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Good Morning and a Freebie

Hi everyone;

I have decided to close my Etsy shop, but I am going to make my images available on my blog.  I have not decided exactly how I am going to do this yet, but I will definitely have lots of freebies.  As some of you know my pet project is to help our local food bank.  I  help raise money, as well as make items so that  all the children have a Christmas.  No child should NOT have Santa come on Christmas. 
One of the things that I am thinking about doing is adding a donation button to my blog, so that if someone requests an image they can donate a small fee for the image, only if they wish to donate.  Anyone who donates I will send them the image they request plus a freebie.  You will need to email me your request for the image and I will email them to you.
I am hoping if I do this that I can raise a bit more money to help purchase toys at Christmas, it is also my hope that I can made it possible to have items at the food bank for children's birthdays as well.  My hopes and dreams of doing this are very ambitious, but I want to help give these children what every child deserves.
I would really like your feedback on this, so if you have any ideas, please let me know, I need all the help I can get!  So maybe with God's guidance and your help I will be able to do this.

Huggz to all

Here is a spring time freebie for you ... enjoy

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Good morning

Hi everyone,    It is a beautiful day here in British Columbia, the sun is shining, the snow is melting and everything is good. 
Because I have been neglecting my blog and my followers lately I am posting another free image.  I hope you like it and please remember to give me a ling if you enter a challenge or post it on your blog so I can see your great cards.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.   

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Freebie

Hi everyone;

I guess I certainly have been neglecting my blog.  It has been a busy winter so far, as some of you know I am a strong fund raiser for the food bank, and much of my time before Christmas is spend making items for the children for Christmas.  Holiday Park Resort, where I live and work are also great supporters of our local Food Bank.  Every year our staff party has a silent auction to raise money to buy gifts for the children.  The residents of the Resort also donate loads of food.  We feel it is so important to support and help those in need in our own community.  Well things are now getting back to normal and I am spending more time on projects and my blog.
Here is a freebie for you, I hope you enjoy it and please let me know of any links so I can see it, I love to see the cards that you are making.  Until next time ... Huggz Anne

Valentines day is coming, so here is a cupcake .... have fun.

Oops here is Suzy she just popped in to give you an extra.
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