

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wednesday Sketch Challenge


Jan. 5th - Jan. 18th

Image from Sheepski Designs

This is the Sketch Design for the Wednesday Challenge

Join the Outlawz and show use your creativity.

Tuesday Colour Challenge

Image from Beccy's Place
Using Black and White, plus one other colour from picture.

Visit the Outlawz Challenge and join the fun.


Festive Fridays Challenge

 My new card for Festive Friday challenge over at the  Outlawz Challenges

Friday, December 10, 2021

 I am presently renewing my images, and my freebie page.  Please come back and check for more information and check out my new images and art work.   Thank you for your understanding.


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Outlawz Challenges ... Wednesday Sketch

Come join us at the Outlawz. crate a card using this sketch and enter it into the Sketch Challenge....  

 Oct. 27 Sketch Challenge

My Inspirational Card.

Monday, July 12, 2021

                                                         DT card for Wednesday Sketch 

                                                            DT card for Festive Friday challenge

 Hi everyone, just posting an update on the challenges at the Outlawz Challenges ... here are my cards for  the Wednesday Sketch challenge and the for Festive Friday challenge .  Visit us at

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

 Well I much say it has been a long time since I posted.  Between moving back to Ontario and being ill for most of the winter I have really neglected my blog.

 I have started back designing for the Outlawz challenges, we have some amazing challenges for you and some wonderful sponsors.  Take a few minutes and pop over to our new site and have a look.  If you are not a member join up, its free and it is fun and you could win some great stuff.  

So join up and show us you beautiful creations.

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